
Monday, March 21, 2011

Living Room Painted!

I'm so happy our living room is finally coming together!  Just a reminder, here is a before picture for everyone:

And here is an after:

I feel like that couple in the Behr commerical, "We don't miss the stripes at all!"  What do you think of the curtains framing the photo?  I thought it might be kind of strange, but I like it. There's nothing really "soft" in that corner, so I thought it could use something.  Here's another before picture of the other side of the gigantic (/sarcasm) room:

 And after:

See that dotted line? That's where the hypothetical shag rug will go. I'm still looking for one at a decent price. Rugs are so expensive!  I switched out the curtains for plain white ones since my whole goal was to brighten the room. I love the paint color - we went with the Behr Dolphin Fin over a layer of Kilz primer. This new color also minimizes the hideous wall texture. 

Remember that post about DIY wall art?  Here's how it turned out:

 So what's left to do in this room?  Here's a quick rundown:
• Paint the dining table
• New chairs for the dining table
• Rug
• Art for behind the television
• New light fixtures
• Eventually a new sofa - most of our furniture is too big for the space. Maybe just a bigger house instead? :)

I'd love to hear your thoughts and suggestions. Hope you all had a lovely weekend!

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