
Monday, September 17, 2012

DIY Craft - Chalkboard Countdown Sign

First of all, thanks for the sweet comments and emails from the last post. As of today we're STILL waiting to hear from the specialist and it is especially frustrating.

On a lighter note, I was able to finish a little craft project this weekend, which is something I haven't done in a LONG time! I saw the idea for this cute little countdown sign on Pinterest, although I didn't think to look for the actual source, but it seems to be from THIS SITE.

We had a leftover piece of MDF from our built-in bookcase project, so I decided it would be perfect for this project since it was already about the size I wanted - 1" x 3" x 20". Here's how I did this simple project

• I coated each side of the board with 3-4 coats of chalkboard paint.
• Then when it was dry, I sanded the edges and corners for a little bit of a rustic look.
• I printed off the text for my "Days Until" to scale and used a pencil to trace transfer the image.
• Then I painted inside the lines with white acrylic paint (2-3 coats) so that the "days until" text is the only permanent part of the sign.
• Now I have a cute little sign I can leave up all year and use it to countdown to Thanksgiving, Christmas, birthdays, etc.

I plan on decorating for fall next weekend as Sept. 22nd is the OFFICIAL first day of fall. So excited!

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